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Must check these best Elementor addons of 2022

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Must check these best Elementor addons of 2022

Best Premium Elementor Addons for Your Website

I have already talked several times about one of the star plugins of the moment, Elementor Page Builder, a WordPress layout designer that, since its release, has not stopped reaping success and happy customers all over the world.

And as usually happens in these cases, several addons for Elementor have not been long in coming to market, which is, neither more nor less, than extensions that extend the basic functionalities of the original plugin.

Come on, if, by itself, Elementor and its Pro version are good, if you install any of the addons that we are going to see in this article, it will be the hell of a bike.

After trying several of the extensions that exist, both free and paid, today I am going to show you the ones that are the best for me. They are the ones I use as soon as I need them to use on my own or client websites.

If you want to maximize the level of personalization of your website, or if you are a web designer who wants to offer the best quality to your clients, do not lose sight of what I am going to tell you 😉

But first, in case you are not very clear about what I am talking about, let’s go with a bit of theory.

What is an Elementor Addon?

As I have already anticipated before, an addon is an extension that adds new and different functionalities from those that Elementor brings by default.

For them to work, at least the free version of Elementor must be installed. Without Elementor installed, there is no use having any of the addons.

The operation is simple. These add-ons add new elements when editing a page with Elementor . That is, in the left column that contains all the elements of the Elementor plugin (texts, images, sections, etc, etc), the new elements that the installed addon brings are added.

The appearance and the way to edit each of these elements is practically the same as in Elementor.

What is achieved then with these extensions is to increase the design possibilities on your pages. Thanks to these plugins, you can reach an almost infinite level of possibilities when it comes to creating amazing designs.

Depending on the addon, more or less features are included, and it can be a hassle to choose between all the ones on the market.

For this reason, today I want to show you what, for me, are the best addons for Elementor.


Crocoblock  is one of the most complete add- ons for Elementor that exist today, since it includes functionalities to cover practically any need when designing a website.

In fact, it is so complete that I have written an entry dedicated solely to this addon to explain in detail everything that it includes. You can read it now if you want .

To summarize, Crocoblock offers different plugins for different purposes, as well as a WordPress theme created by them and 100% programmed to be used with Elementor.

In addition, you have access to tons of demo websites that you can easily install, and access to templates for Elementor, so you can save time on your website designs.

All this under a single price, which can be paid annually or for life. Then we will see in detail all the pricing options.

As I mentioned, it includes different plugins for different purposes. Specifically, at the time of writing these lines, there are 15 addons for Elementor that it includes.

It could be said that the main one, the one that you have to install yes or yes to add new elements to your designs, is the JetElements plugin, which adds more than 40 different elements .

But the rest of the plugins are also very, very interesting, because, as you can see if you go to the previous link, among them, there are plugins to create mega menus, to design stores with WooCommerce , to create headers and footers, to create popups, searches, galleries , filters, etc, etc.

Crocoblock Prices

When it comes to prices, you have several options.

On the one hand, you have the option to subscribe annually, that is, you pay a price, and you have one year of updates and support. Once the year is over, you can renew the subscription to continue receiving updates or support, or stop paying, which then, you will be able to continue using the plugins without problem, but you will no longer receive updates or support.

Within what is the annual subscription, you have two options:

  1. Subscription for a single website: you will pay $49 per year and you will have access to all Crocoblock material.
  2. Subscription for unlimited websites: you will pay $79 per year and you will have access to all Crocoblock material.

But if yours is not the annual payment, you have the option to buy it for life , that is, you pay only once, and you can use it on unlimited websites with updates and support forever.

This option is priced at $299, which more than makes up for everything you get, especially if you are a web design professional .

Element Pack Pro

Another of the most interesting options in terms of addons for Elementor is concerned, is Element Pack Pro , a very complete plugin that will delight any designer or person who wants to make their own website with an enviable design.

Unlike the previous one, we only have a single plugin that, when installed, adds all the new elements at once. Specifically, at the time of writing this article, it adds 80 new widgets to Elementor + 30 widgets from third-party plugins, such as from bbPress, BuddyPress, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce, etc.

These last ones are especially useful if you are using any of the included plugins, since it allows you to integrate them with Elementor because they add some options in the builder. It is worth mentioning that these widgets will only appear if you have the plugin in question installed. For example, if you don’t have Contact Form 7 installed , you won’t see the widgets for this plugin.

The same price also includes a self-developed theme that is programmed with the idea of ​​being used with Elementor, and a multitude of templates and pre-designed blocks to use on your websites.

In general, a very complete pack that is worth considering.

Pricing for Element Pack Pro

Element Pack Pro has three different pricing options. The first two are annual subscriptions, so you receive updates and support for a year and you will have to pay again to continue receiving them. If you do not renew your subscription, you will still be able to use the plugin, but you will not be able to update or use support.

These are the two annual subscription options:

  1. Subscription for a single website: you will pay $24 per year and you will have access to all the material in Element Pack Pro.
  2. In addition, you can remove all references to the creator of the plugin and sell it as your own.

Finally, you have the option to purchase it with updates and lifetime support with a one-time payment of $399.

Premium Addons for Elementor Pro

A plugin that I usually use, both for my own websites and for client websites, is Premium Addons for Elementor . Unlike the two options we just looked at, this one is just a plugin that adds all the elements to Elementor.

That is, it does not include its own theme, it does not include templates or demos, only the plugin with the extra widgets,

There is also another difference with the previous ones, and that is that there is a free version of Premium Addons, and that you can download from the official WordPress repository .

This free version includes, at the time of writing, 22 extra items, while the Pro version includes 28 new items. The Pro version does not replace the free one, but is installed together with it, so that the widgets of the two versions are added, having more than 50 widgets in total .

If all you need is a plugin that simply adds new functionality to Elementor, this might be a good option for you.

Pricing of Premium Addons for Elementor

As I have already said, there is a free basic version of the plugin that you can download or install directly from the WordPress repository.

But if you want to use the full potential of the plugin, you can purchase the Pro version with three different pricing plans. As usual, two of them are annual and include updates and support for one year. To continue enjoying updates, you have to renew the license, although they give you a 30% discount for renewals, which is greatly appreciated.

These are the two annual subscription options:

  1. Subscription for a single website: you will pay $39 for the first year and in renewals you will get a 30% discount.
  2. Subscription for unlimited websites: you will pay $79 for the first year and in renewals you will get a 30% discount.

And of course, you also have the option to buy it for life, with updates and support forever, for a single payment of $199.

Dynamic Content for Elementor

Dynamic Content for Elementor  is a somewhat different addon from the rest, since as the name itself indicates, it adds dynamic content to Elementor, or in other words, elements with movement to make the web much more visual.

This does not mean that the plugins mentioned above do not include dynamic elements (which they do), it means that this one in particular focuses on it.

Among the features it includes are parallax effects, showing or hiding an element based on certain conditions, image transformation, images with 360º rotation, integration with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), etc, etc.

If you want a visual and dynamic website and you don’t need more extras, this may be a good option for you.

Dynamic Content for Elementor Pricing

Of the plugins we have seen so far, this is the one with the most pricing options. On the one hand, it has the already typical annual subscription plans that include updates and support, and you have to renew them every year to continue receiving them.

This time, you have three different plans:

  1. Subscription for a single website: you will pay €25 per year.
  2. Subscription for three websites: you will pay €49 per year.
  3. Subscription for unlimited websites: you will pay €99 per year.

You can also opt for a lifetime license by making a single payment. The novelty with this plugin is that you also have three options for this type of license:

  1. Single payment of €69 for a single website.
  2. Single payment of €129 for three websites.
  3. Single payment of €249 for unlimited websites.

All single payment plans include updates and support forever.

Which of the addons for Elementor to opt for?

Well, after having seen some of the best options, you may have the doubt of which one would be the best for you, since obviously, you are not going to buy all the plugins.

It is true that in many of the addons that exist for Elementor some widgets are repeated. The first thing I would recommend you do is open each of the websites and compare the widgets of each one. If you are looking for one in particular, you can discard those that do not have it.

In case you can’t decide, I’ll give you my personal opinion on which one is more worth it.

If you look at value for money , I think there is nothing that beats Crocoblock as it includes loads of widgets, templates and installable demo websites, apart from its own theme, for a very competent price.

In addition, the fact that many of the functionalities are separated into several plugins allows you to install only what you are going to need without loading the website unnecessarily.

If you only settle for a few extra options for Elementor, Premium Addons for Elementor Pro seems like a very good option to me.

If you dedicate yourself to designing websites for clients using Elementor, obviously, the best option is to buy unlimited licenses in any case, since with the price they have, you will recover the investment quickly and you will be able to use them on as many websites as you need.

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