10 most common mistakes in search engine optimization (SEO)! – 2022/2023

Common mistakes in SEO is highlighted in this article.  The success of a website depends on optimizing it properly in terms of content marketing. The better an online content marketer can handle the SEO aspects of his website, the higher the search engines will rank his website.

With the development of technology development, various rules of search engines are constantly updated and improved. Along with that, everyone is constantly adopting different types of daily new strategies to rank at the top of the search engines. Due to the modernization of search engines, webmasters are also adopting various new strategies in the competition to survive in the top list of search results.
As a result of search engine algorithm updates, many good websites are not able to compete and their visitors are decreasing. As a result, many internet marketers are giving up their online business. In this time of competition, many people are making some common mistakes in SEO due to not understanding SEO well, which are making their website fall further behind in the search results list. Think about it in common sense, what will happen to your blog/website if you do wrong SEO in this competitive age where SEO is struggling even if you do it right? Common mistakes an article publisher makes, we will discuss today.

common mistakes in SEO

1. Wrong keyword selection

One of the most common mistakes in SEO is not choosing the right keyword. In most cases, an article publisher starts writing a post without paying any attention to keyword selection or keyword research. Therefore, despite having good quality articles inside the post, the desired post cannot be in a good position in the search engine due to not choosing the right keyword.
Before you start writing about the topic you are going to write about, do a good keyword check to see what kind of keywords are being searched online for your desired topic and what kind of keywords are important, etc. In this case, the more correct and suitable keywords you can choose, the more likely your post will be at the top of the search engine.

2. Keyword Stuffing

Most of the webmasters think that if you put keywords in each sentence while writing an article, you will get more visitors. As a result, it can be seen that an article publisher is using keywords in unnecessary places inside his post.
In this case, the search engine marks the post as spam due to keyword usage so many times in a post. Therefore, an article publisher does not get good results from search engines despite writing a good quality post. Try to keep the keyword density between 5% and 6% while writing an article.

3. Using Irrelevant Keywords

This is on of the most common mistakes in SEO. I have seen this error in many good websites too. In most cases, an article publisher has written a very nice post but he should have chosen a different keyword for this post instead of the keyword. In this case also the post cannot rank well in the search engine. So avoid this common mistake in SEO.
Because search engines always want keyword related articles. Naturally think that you are writing a post on the topic “Android” but the post is more about Windows than about Android. How would you rate the post in this case? Although this is not exactly the case in my example, it is close in most cases. This should be kept in mind that the topic you are writing about should be given more priority than the post.

4. Non-Original Content

I always strongly advise everyone to write good quality unique content on the subject that you have full experience without copying someone else’s blog/website content. Because the easiest and main way to get blog visitors is quality unique content. As a result of the modernization of search engines, all search engines can now easily mark copied articles. In this case, no matter how cleverly you publish other people’s content on your blog, your blog’s content will be recognized by search engines very easily. When you use new unique content on the blog, this content will be able to bring visibility to your blog. Copying content from other’s blog and using it in your blog will not be successful in any way.

5. Missing Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

These two tags are very important when it comes to search engine optimization. Because when something is searched using a keyword in the search engine, the search engine first looks for the title tag of the post. In this case, if you get the keyword in the title tag, your post will come easily in the search results.
On the other hand, if the keyword is not found in the Title Tag, then the search engine looks for the keyword inside the Meta Descriptions. If the keyword is found in the Meta Descriptions, then the post is more likely to be placed in the search results. That’s why I would say that while writing these two parts, you must arrange the Title Tags and Meta Descriptions beautifully with the combination of your desired keywords.

6. Not having backlinks

Back links play an important role in increasing the value of your blog to search engines. Most Bengali bloggers do not give any importance to this matter. But if your blog is linked with a good website/blog then link juice will be brought to your blog from that website. For that, it is not necessary to just sit and post regularly. After making a new post, you can link your post to a good blog that is related to your post through various arguments. It will also actively contribute to increase traffic to your post.

7. Not having internal links

Not having internal links in the blog post is another common mistakes in SEO. If you always avoid this issue, then I say you are doing the biggest stupidity. Because there is no trouble for this matter. Only when posting, you can link posts that are somewhat similar to your new post through Anchor Text.

This will help the search engine crawler to index your new post quickly. Although this matter will not be able to bring you visitors directly from the search engine, but visitors coming from the search engine or elsewhere will be able to increase Page View by staying for a long time by visiting the other posts of the blog.

8. Non-Responsive and Non-Mobile Friendly Design

Google has recently been pushing to create mobile friendly websites. Because people now do many computer tasks through mobile phones. Moreover, Google has also announced in April/2016 that those whose blogs are not Mobile Friendly, their blogs/websites will have a lot of negative impact on SEO.

If your website is still a computer-only version like the old days, you can’t expect to get visitors from a variety of small devices. In this case, you will be deprived of getting large traffic to your blog. So it would be wise to design your blog Responsive and Mobile Friendly through a good web developer.

9. Not using social media

Nowadays the use of social media has increased at such a massive rate that everyone is using social media sites as a major source of traffic to the website. In this case, if you don’t share your posts on good social media, you will also miss out on a great deal of traffic. You can do this by creating a page on different types of social media in the name of your website and sharing posts on them. Moreover, you can increase traffic to the blog by joining different groups on social media and sharing your posts.

10. Not doing traffic analytics

It is also a common mistakes in SEO, not to regularly review the amount of traffic you are getting from which sources and what kind of keywords traffic is coming from search engines etc. You might say that this is not related to search engine optimization or will not contribute to traffic growth.

Yes, although it will not directly contribute to increasing traffic, but by researching it, you can get a clear idea about what you should do in the future or what kind of keywords you need to post with, by getting ideas about your blog’s traffic sources, keywords and more. One of the most widely used and popular tools nowadays is Google Analytics. You can easily add it to any kind of website or blog if you want. These tools give a clear idea about the details of a website in a very short time.

Conclusion : I have highlighted about the most common mistakes in SEO of a new website or its owner. If a content marketer or an online marketer can manage his website properly keeping in mind the above 10 things related to SEO, then he will be able to easily compete with any good website and increase enough traffic from search engines. Unless a webmaster corrects these mistakes and publishes the article, he cannot expect to get any good results from the search engines. If you like this article then visit my website regularly to get latest updates related to web development, online earning, tech.

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