WooCommerce Disable Quantity Change in Cart Full Guideline 2024

woocommerce disable quantity change in cart

Disable WooCommerce Quantity Change in Cart Page

Hey there, fellow WooCommerce trailblazer! Navigating the intricate maze of running an online store can be both thrilling and perplexing. Amidst the myriad challenges, one often grapples with the delicate art of managing shopping cart quantities – a seemingly small detail that can lead to inventory headaches and pricing hiccups.

But worry not, because I’m here to guide you through a solution that will simplify your WooCommerce experience. In this article, we’re diving deep into the realm of WooCommerce customization, focusing on a common quandary: how to disable the WooCommerce Quantity Change in Cart Page

By default, WooCommerce generously provides a quantity selector on both product and cart pages. While this suits the needs of many online shops, there are instances where you might find it more of a hassle than a help. Whether you want to prevent inventory discrepancies or enhance the user experience, we’ve got you covered.

Throughout this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps, offer valuable tips, and even unveil some nifty customization options. Together, we’ll ensure your WooCommerce store not only runs smoothly but also offers a seamless and controlled shopping journey.

So, let’s embark on this WooCommerce adventure and make your online store an absolute breeze for your customers!

Why Remove the Product Quantity?

Before we embark on the journey of tweaking WooCommerce settings, it’s essential to unravel the rationale behind removing the product quantity – a strategic move that can significantly enhance the shopping experience for both you and your customers.

Tailoring to Unique Products: Certain products are meant to stand alone, offered in singular quantities that encapsulate their exclusivity. Think of that one-of-a-kind painting or a spa day booking; in such cases, the presence of a quantity field can be more befuddling than beneficial. Removing it simplifies the process, ensuring that customers recognize the uniqueness of each purchase.

Streamlining the Shopping Experience: The removal of the quantity field contributes to a streamlined shopping experience, particularly beneficial for services or distinctive items. Customers can breeze through the checkout without the added step of adjusting quantities, fostering a hassle-free transaction process.

Clarity in Purchase Intent: The quantity field, by its very nature, implies a desire for multiple units. However, when dealing with exclusive items or services, this may not align with the customer’s intent. By removing the quantity option, you eliminate any confusion and make it unequivocal that only one item is intended for the cart, fostering transparency in the purchasing process.

Serving Specific Business Models: Traditional eCommerce sites, dealing primarily with physical goods, find the quantity field indispensable. Yet, for businesses focusing on services, subscriptions, or custom-made products, its presence may be superfluous. For services like consulting or subscriptions, the emphasis lies on a single, distinct purchase, and managing recurring payments is best handled through dedicated plugins. In the realm of custom art or handmade goods, each item is unique, warranting a specific price and separate discussions for additional items.

Inventory Control and Limitations: In scenarios where inventory is limited or meticulous control over product flow is paramount, limiting each customer to a single product becomes crucial. This not only aids in managing inventory effectively but also ensures a fair distribution of coveted items from your warehouse.

In essence, the decision to remove the product quantity field isn’t just a customization; it’s a strategic choice aligning your WooCommerce store with the unique nature of your offerings and business model. It’s about creating a shopping environment that seamlessly caters to the distinctive needs of your products and services, all while enhancing the clarity and efficiency of the customer journey.

What Is The WooCommerce Quantity Field?

The WooCommerce quantity field is an integral component of the online shopping experience within the WooCommerce ecosystem. Whenever a product is added to a WooCommerce store, the system automatically incorporates a Quantity field alongside it. This field serves as a dynamic input mechanism, allowing customers to specify the number of units of a particular product they wish to purchase.

The appearance of the quantity field is flexible, adapting to various forms based on the store’s configuration. It can manifest as a simple box where customers manually input the desired quantity, or as a selector featuring a drop-down menu. The latter option provides customers with pre-defined choices, enabling them to conveniently select the desired quantity from the available options.

As a web administrator, you wield the power to customize the quantity field to align with the specific needs and aesthetics of your online store. This includes the option to modify its appearance, functionality, or even remove it altogether. This flexibility empowers you to tailor the shopping experience to match the unique characteristics of your products and business model.

However, there are instances where the presence of a quantity field may be unnecessary or counterintuitive. For example, when selling services such as the commission of a digital painting, or when restricting product quantities to a maximum of one item per customer, the conventional quantity field might not align with the nature of the transaction.

In essence, the WooCommerce quantity field is a versatile tool designed to facilitate seamless transactions and provide customers with the flexibility to dictate the quantity of products they wish to purchase. Its adaptability, coupled with the ability to be tailored or removed based on specific business requirements, makes it a pivotal element in shaping the overall shopping experience for both administrators and customers alike.

WooCommerce quantity field example

How to remove the product quantity?

In our quest to tailor the WooCommerce shopping experience to perfection, we’ll explore a variety of methods to disable or manage the quantity field in your online store. Let’s take a sneak peek at the arsenal of techniques we’ll be delving into:

Method 1: Disable Quantity Picker in Cart Page Using the Code We’ll kick things off with a hands-on approach, diving into the code to selectively disable the quantity picker on the cart page. This method offers a customized solution for those comfortable with a bit of coding magic.

Method 2: WooCommerce Disable Quantity Picker in Cart Page Using the AIO Checkout Plugin For those who prefer a more user-friendly solution, we’ll explore the AIO Checkout Plugin—a versatile tool that simplifies the process of disabling the quantity picker, ensuring a seamless checkout experience.

Method 3: Activate a Plugin Discover the power of plugins as we explore an easy-to-use option for disabling the quantity picker. This method is perfect for users who prefer a plug-and-play solution without delving into the intricacies of coding.

Method 4: Utilize the Product Data Metabox We’ll delve into the product data metabox within WooCommerce, exploring how you can fine-tune individual product settings to disable the quantity picker. This method offers a granular level of control over your product display.

WooCommerce Filter (Developer Recommended) For the coding enthusiasts and developers, we’ll explore a WooCommerce filter—a robust solution to globally remove the quantity field for all products. This method is recommended for those comfortable with customizing the codebase.

WooCommerce Quantity Manager Plugin (Premium) We’ll shine a spotlight on a premium solution, the WooCommerce Quantity Manager Plugin. This option provides advanced features for managing product quantities, offering a premium touch to your WooCommerce store.

How To Set A Maximum Quantity Of 1 For All Products We’ll guide you through the process of setting a maximum quantity of 1 for all products, ensuring a streamlined shopping experience that aligns with specific business needs.

How To Set A Maximum Quantity Of 1 For All Products In A Category Explore category-specific customization as we demonstrate how to set a maximum quantity of 1 for products within a designated category.

Remove The Quantity Column From The WooCommerce Cart Page Finally, we’ll tackle the aesthetics of your cart page by showing you how to remove the quantity column altogether. This method adds a touch of simplicity to your cart layout.

Disable Quantity Picker in Cart Page Using the Code

The first method we’ll explore to disable the quantity change in the WooCommerce cart page involves a bit of code. While this approach may seem daunting for those without technical experience, fear not—I’ll guide you through it with a simple code snippet that you can copy and paste directly into your store.

Step 1: Code Snippet to Disable Quantity Change

To initiate this customization, we need to utilize a filter hook that targets specific points in the WooCommerce cart page. Here’s the filter hook you’ll be employing:

add_filter(‘woocommerce_cart_item_quantity’, ‘wc_cart_item_quantity’, 10, 3);

Next, we must create a callback function that will effectively disable the quantity change on the cart page. Ensure that the function name matches the one used in the filter hook:

function wc_cart_item_quantity($product_quantity, $cart_item_key, $cart_item) {
if (is_cart()) {
$product_quantity = sprintf(‘%2$s <input type=”hidden” name=”cart[%1$s][qty]” value=”%2$s” />’, $cart_item_key, $cart_item[‘quantity’]);
return $product_quantity;

Here’s the complete code snippet:

add_filter(‘woocommerce_cart_item_quantity’, ‘wc_cart_item_quantity’, 10, 3);

function wc_cart_item_quantity($product_quantity, $cart_item_key, $cart_item) {
if (is_cart()) {
$product_quantity = sprintf(‘%2$s <input type=”hidden” name=”cart[%1$s][qty]” value=”%2$s” />’, $cart_item_key, $cart_item[‘quantity’]);
return $product_quantity;

Step 2: Paste the Code to Your WooCommerce Store

Once you have the code snippet, you need to integrate it into your WooCommerce store. There are various methods to do this, and I’ve compiled a guide to assist you in adding code snippets to WordPress. You can follow this guide and seamlessly incorporate the provided code into your store using your preferred method.

How to Add a Code Snippet to a WordPress Page

Step 3: Final Results

After successfully adding the code snippet to your store, navigate to the cart page. You’ll immediately observe that the product quantity is now unalterable in the cart. The code works discreetly in the background, ensuring a seamless and controlled shopping experience.

To visualize the impact, here are two snapshots: one showcasing the process of adding the code using a plugin, and the other displaying the final results on the cart page.

Step 1 

Installing the Code Snippet Plugin

Step 2

adding the code snippet

And the final result should be something like this –

disabled quantity change in cart

By implementing this method, you’ve effectively disabled the quantity picker in the WooCommerce cart page, offering a tailored and controlled shopping experience for your customers.

WooCommerce Disable Quantity Picker in Cart Page Using the AIO Checkout Plugin

The second method introduces a user-friendly approach to disabling the quantity change on the WooCommerce cart page using the AIO Checkout plugin. This plugin not only simplifies the process but also enhances the overall customer shopping experience by minimizing the steps required to complete a purchase.

Step 1: Install and Activate the AIO Checkout Plugin

Begin by downloading the AIO Checkout plugin from the Woosuite store. Once downloaded, head to your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to Plugins » Add New, and click the Upload button to upload and activate the plugin.

Installing AIO Checkout Plugin


Step 2: Navigate to the AIO Checkout

After activation, locate the AIO Checkout section in your WordPress dashboard.

AIO Checkout section in WordPress dashboard.

Step 3: Click the MiniCart

To proceed, click on the “MiniCart” section within the AIO Checkout settings.

 "MiniCart" section within the AIO Checkout settings.

Step 4: Enable the MiniCart

A new popup will appear. Toggle the button next to “Enable MinCart” to activate it. Choose the position for the mini cart icon, and decide whether to enable or disable the coupon field in the mini cart.

Enabling MiniCart and Choosing Icon Position

Step 5: Automatically Open MiniCart When the Product is Added to the Cart

Enhance the customer experience by automatically opening the mini cart when users add a product to their cart. Toggle the ‘Automatically open mini cart after adding a new item to cart?’ option according to your preference.

Configuring minicart settings

Step 6: Override the Default Cart Icon

To redirect users to the mini cart instead of the cart page when clicking the cart icon, override the default cart icon. Toggle the ‘Override the default cart icon’ option and enter the cart icon ID or class. To find this information, inspect the cart icon on your store’s page, copy the class name (e.g., ‘cart-contents’), and paste it in the ‘Entering the cart icon ID or class’ field.

override the default icon in minicart settings

Step 7: Disable the Quantity Picker

In this crucial step, toggle the ‘Disable the Quantity Picker’ option to effectively disable the quantity picker in the mini cart.

Disabling the Quantity Picker

Step 8: Save Settings

Lastly, click the green ‘Save’ button to preserve your settings and apply the changes.

By following these intuitive steps and utilizing the AIO Checkout plugin, you’ve successfully disabled the quantity picker in the WooCommerce cart page. This not only streamlines the shopping process but also introduces a user-friendly mini cart, contributing to an improved and efficient shopping journey for your customers.


And that concludes today’s article. I trust that the information provided has proven valuable, enabling you to successfully incorporate the ‘WooCommerce disable quantity change in cart page’ feature into your store and accomplish your objectives.

This particular feature proves advantageous for businesses dealing with limited edition or rare items, addressing scenarios of high demand and restricted supply. Through the restriction of the quantity of products customers can add to their cart, businesses can promote fair and equitable sales, ensuring that all customers have an opportunity to make a purchase.

If you’re eager to implement these changes and elevate your WooCommerce store, waste no time—go ahead and download the AIO Checkout now. Take the next step toward optimizing your online retail experience!

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